Adress: Kullavägen 62, Lidingö
2023 Galleri Ranrike, Tanum kommun
2020 Eskapism, curator Jakob Anckarsvärd, Rosenhill, Ekerö
2015 Reality is born out of dreams , solo show, curator Melissa Hendersso, Galleri CC, Malmö
2014 Carboniferous Memories street performance, installation, Art on Armitage, Chicago, USA
2014 Invertebrate me, public performance, Lidingö,
2013 Black memories, Black dreams (with J Anckarsvärd), Nynäshamns konsthall, Nynäshamn,
2012 Strindberg Sorti, Galerie Helena, Stockholm
2011 Lifecycle, live performance, Supermarket, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
2009 Cambio/Change/Wechsel, sculptural installation, Rosendal Gardens, Stockholm
2006 Lifecycle, performance and installation, Street, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 Shiftscale – Sculpture at the Extended Field, Curators: Mika Hannula, Villu Jaanison , opening exhibition of the KUMU Art Museum of Tallinn, Estonia
2005 Solo show, Nordens Ljus, Stockholm
2004 Drawing exhibition, Galleri PS, Gothenburg
2004 Logdrive,videoinstallation and drawings, Proverommet, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Norway
2004 Camping above my ceiling, public performance, Källängsvägen 11, Lidingö,
2003 Solo show, Videoinstallation and drawings, Studio 44, Stockholm
2003 Shaving the Fur, videoscreening, Proverummet, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Norway
2003 Geography and the Politics of mobility (with the 2002 Makrolab crew), Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
2002 RISBA, drawings, Gallery Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
2002 Shaving the Fur, solo performances, National Review of Live Art, Glasgow, Scotland
2002 Shaving the Fur, solo performance, Colchester Art Centre, England
2001 Scottish video artists , Centre d’Art Contemporary de Basse-Normandie, France
2001 To the residents of 65 Cedar Street, public performance, Glasgow, Scotland
2000 Prepositions (with Torunn Skaelland), Assembly Gallery, Glasgow
2000 The light event, public art event with the residents of 65 Cedar Street, Glasgow, Scotland
1999 Galleri Helle Knudsen, Stockholm
1999 The Museum of Printmaking, Mariefred
1999 Konstforum; Norrköping
2022 Konst och Antropocen, 7,5p Umeå universitet
2005 Filosofie doktor, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
1999-2001 Bachelor of Fine Art, Environmental Art Dept, Glasgow School of Fine Art, Skottland
1996-1999 Grafikskolan i Stockholm
1994-1996 Gerlesborgskolan, Stockholm
1990-1994 Forskarutbildning, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
1987-1990 Biologlinjen, Stockholms Universitet och Lunds Universitet
Publikationer Vetenskap
2021 Zandawala M, Nguyen T, Balanyà Segura M, Johard HAD, Amcoff M, Wegener C, Paluzzi JP, Nässel DR. A neuroendocrine pathway modulating osmotic stress in Drosophila. PLoS Genet. 2021 Mar 8;17(3)
2020 Johard H, Omelyanenko A, Fei G, Zilberter M, Dave Z, Abu-Youssef R, Schmidt L, Harisankar A, Vincent CT, Walfridsson J, Nelander S, Harkany T, Blomgren K, Andäng M.HCN Channel Activity Balances Quiescence and Proliferation in Neural Stem Cells and Is a Selective Target for Neuroprotection During Cancer Treatment. Mol Cancer Res. 18(10):1522-1533
2017 Boström, J., Sramkova, Z., Salašová, A., Johard, H.A.D., Mahdessian, D., Fedr, R., Marks, C., Medalová, J., Soucek, K., Lundberg, E., Linnarsson, S., Bryja, V., Sekyrova,, P., Altun M., Andäng, M. Comparative cell cycle transcriptomics reveals synchronization of developmental transcription factor networks in cancer cells. PloS One, Dec 11;12(12)
2009 Johard, H.A.D., Yoishii, T., Dircksen, H., Cusumano, P., Rouyer, F., Helfrich-Förster, C., Nässel, D.R.: Peptidergic clock neurons in Drosophila: ion transport peptide and short neuropeptide F in subsets of dorsal and ventral lateral neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 516:59-73
2009 Johard, H.A.D., Yoishii, T., Dircksen, H., Cusumano, P., Rouyer, F., Helfrich-Förster, C., Nässel, D.R.: Peptidergic clock neurons in Drosophila: ion transport peptide and short neuropeptide F in subsets of dorsal and ventral lateral neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 516:59-73
2008 Nässel, D.R., Enell, L.E., Santos, J.G., Wegener, C., Johard, H.A.D. A large population of diverse neurons in the Drosophila central nervous system expresses short neuropeptide F, suggesting multiple distributed peptide functions. BMC Neurosci.9: 90
2008 Johard, H. A. D., Enell, L.E., Gustafsson, E.,Trifilieff, P., Veenstra, J. A. and NässeL D., R. Intrinsic Neurons of Drosophila Mushroom Bodies Express Short Neuropeptide F: Relations to Extrinsic Neurons Expressing Different Neurotransmitters. J Comp Neurol. 18;507 (4):1479-1496
2007 Neupert S., Helena A. D. Johard, Nässel, D., R. and Predel, R. Single-Cell Peptidomics of Drosophila melanogaster Neurons Identified by Gal4-Driven Fluorescence. Analytical Chemistry 79 (10): 3690 –3694
2003 Johard, H.A.D. Neuropeptide signaling in insects: peptide binding sites, tachykinin receptors and SNAP-25. PhD thesis. Stockholm University.
2003 Johard, H. A.D., Coast, G. M., Mordue, W., and Nässel, D. R. Diuretic action of the peptide ocustatachykinin I: cellular localisation and effects on fluid secretion in Malpighian tubules of locusts Peptides 24:1571-1579
2001 H. A. D., Muren, J. E., Nichols, R., Larhammar, D., and Nässel, D. R. A putative tachykinin receptor in the cockroach: molecular cloning and analysis of tissue expression by means of antisera to portions of the receptor protein. Brain Research. 919, 94-105.
1999 Johard, H. A. D., Risinger, C., Larhammar, D., and Nassel, D. R. The highly conserved synapse protein SNAP-25 displays sequence variability in the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology.
1992 Johard, H. A. D., Lundquist, T. C., Rökeus, A., and Nassel, D. R. Autoradiographic localization of I125-galanin binding sites in the blowfly brain. Regulatory Peptides 42:123-134