
Kung, Stylis, skulptur av spillolja uppskrapad från bohusklippor, Stylis var kapten vid oljekatastrof 1982, Galleri Ranrike, 2023, Tanum

Reality is born out of dreams, Galleri CC, Malmö

Distance, skulptur, asfalterat matbord i samarbete med PEAB, Galleri CC

Black memories, black dreams, Nynäshamns konsthall

Uppskrapad spillolja utstruken på lakan, Nynäshamns konsthall

Strindberg Sorti, Galleri Helena, 2016

Tuvstarr och Strindberg, diabildsprojektor, röd plint
Authorities comes in Grey, Sculpture, Strindberg Sorti, Galleri Helena, 2016
Experiments with chess patterns, chess, symbol of the joker and the unknown
Invagination, Rosendals Trädgård, 2009

Cedar Street Public Art Project 1999-2000

The Light Event, a public art project together with 65 Cedar Street, Glasgow, 1999. Aiming to familiarize myself with an anonomous highrise in Glasgow I went from door to door, knocking and introducing myself growing up in a highrise . I persuaded the residents of a communal action to shut the lights of and then turn them on the 1st of March 1999. I visited them on several occasions and sometimes very afraid as some of the residents were violent and had a criminal record. I become friends with the concierge-station knowing all the residents, the created security and glued the residents together. The light event created by the residents was filmed and shown in the entrance. A teenager participating in the light-event was stabbed to death a few days after the event and his mother and siblings viewed the film they all participated in. Very tragic and there was flowers in the entrance. Year 2000 I create a a performance where I tied a discarded christmas tree to my back and lit it up. I paraded around the house in the middle of the night until the police came. I was filmed through the CCTV cameras by the concergier station and the film was later shown to the residents in the entrance as to greet them.
To the residents of 65 Cedar street, excerpts of a 30 min CCTV recording by the concergier station, 2000, Glasgow